someone cut the rope way for the summit of Mount Everest , mountaineering in nepal


someone cut the rope way for the summit of Mount Everest

Mountaineering in nepal


Black Mark on White Snow and the Start of a Stir on Nirmal Purja

Renowned climber Nirmal Purja stirred controversy when he posted a video on his social media in early June, showing a rope cut by someone for the climbing team below the summit of Mount Everest. He discussed the incident with Josh from Vakitaki, expressing his frustration about the cut rope but without identifying who might have done it.

Skirting the Law Against Betrayal

There are serious challenges in the field of Himalayan climbing. Therefore, Nirmal Purja openly discusses challenges and issues on his social media. Recently, he highlighted the issue of ropes being cut between Camp 4 and the balcony during climbing expeditions.

Tourism entrepreneur Ang Babu Sherpa, through Vakitaki, confirmed the incident of ropes being cut between Camp 4 and the Balcony of Mount Everest, forcing his team to collect the bodies without organising the necessary funds to return. However, after the video went viral, the Tourism Department denied the truth of the rope-cutting in a statement issued on June 14, starting a committee to investigate.

After the video went viral, other competitive tourism entrepreneurs increased pressure on the Tourism Department. The department urgently issued a statement and warned of legal action against Nirmal Purja. Currently, Nirmal has clarified the issue with the Tourism Department.

Making such a video on social media without government permission was his mistake. The rope cutting was confirmed, but Nirmal did not intend to create such a video on social media. However, according to departmental sources, what he said in the video was found to be accurate.

In this case, it is uncertain how far action will be taken against Purja, but the rope-cutting incident has raised a black mark on the "White Himalayas." This incident of rope cutting between Camp 4 and the balcony has become non-commercial malpractice from competitive companies to suppress the success of Nirmal Purja's company, Elite Adventure.

Publicly clarifying with Nirmal Purja, now the pressure has increased on the rope-cutting group to begin investigation. An official of the department emphasised the need for the government to take strict action against this unethical competition that has tarnished the country's reputation.

Nirmal Purja, who entered the mountain climbing sector from Everest climbing in 2019, has gained international fame in just five years. His achievements at the summit have also increased attacks on him. Nepali media and state-power individuals have kept away from contacts that could undermine their reputation. Now, Purja is involved in the "mountaineering business syndicate" in the controversy over rope cutting.

The incident of rope cutting brought another story about him to the New York Times. It also included allegations of sexual misconduct during mountain climbing by former Miss Finland Lotta Hintsa and Dr. April Leonardo. Although Purja said the New York Times had made a single charge against him, legal proceedings are underway.

Although there was an allegation of sexual misconduct, the woman did not climb the Himalayas above 8,000 metres, and her proposal for cooperation was rejected. Lotta Hintsa, who published a book on controversies five years ago, also ran propaganda against Nirmal Purja.

Mountaineering in nepal, Nirmal purja

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