Here are the 3 recipes of coconut milk that taste good.


Here are the 3 recipes of coconut milk that taste good.

1.Thai Coconut Chicken Soup 

recepies of coconut milk



1. Two cups chicken soup
2. 13.5 ml coconut milk 1 can
3. one lb peeled and thinly chop chicken breast
4. one cup mushrooms sliced
5. One portion lemongrass, cut into 2 inch pieces and smyashed
6. 3-4 kaffir lime leaves, roughly torn-hash it up a bit
7. Two to three chili peppers, cut in round (optional)
8. One inch choped ginger
9 .Two tablespoons fish sauce
10.One tablespoon lime juice
11.Fresh coriander, for garnishing

Ingredients and process of making :

1 Bring the chicken soup to a boil in a big pot.
2 Put the lemongrass, kaffir lime leaves and ginger.
3 Boil another 5 min to meld flavors in soup.
4 Also add the fine chopped chicken slices and cook until those turned light browish in color.
5 Add the coconut milk and return to pot of soup.
6 Put the sliced mushrooms and Thai chili peppers, stir for 5 more mins in high flame.
7 Serve with fish sauce, lime weed.
8 At last finish with coriander to give a good taste.

2. Coconut Milk Pancakes

Recepies of coconut milk


1. One cup flour
2. Two tablespoons sugar
3. One teaspoon baking powder
4. 1/2 teaspoon baking soda
5. 1/4 teaspoon salt
6. One cup coconut milk
7. One full egg
8. Two tablespoons melted butter
9.One teaspoon vanilla .


1 Mix all the ingredients like flour, sugar, baking soda, baking powder, and salt in a clean bowl.
2. Put the ingredients like melted butter, egg, coconut milk, and vanilla to a another bowl.
3. Add the wet (no. 2) ingredients to the dry (no. 1) ingredients, stirring to ensure thorough mixing and donot over mix .
4. Melt butter or oil in a nonstick pan and put on gas over medium heat.
5. For each pancake, put 1/4 cup of batter into the pan then turn them over and continue cooking until the other side gets golden brown.

 3 Coconut milk curry:

Recepies of coconut milk

 1 tablespoon coconut oil - 1 onion, finely diced - 2 cloves of garlic, chopped
1-inch slice of ginger - A chopped bell pepper - A chopped carrot
 One 15 ml can of chickpeas 
One 13.5 ml can of coconut milk
One can (15 ml) tomatoes cut into slices
Two tsp curry powder
One teaspoon each of ground cumin and turmeric
Add salt and pepper to taste
Use fresh coriander as a garnish and cooked rice or naan for better taste.


1. In a pot set over the gas to the medium heat, warm the coconut oil. When the onion turns golden brown, add the ginger, garlic, and onion.
2. Include the carrot and bell pepper. Cook over medium heat for approximately five minutes, and mix well.
3Add the turmeric, cumin, and curry powder and stir. Cook until nicely aromatic, about 1 more minute.
4. Include the cut tomatoes, coconut milk, and chickpeas. Combine, stirring to form a soup.
5. To taste, add salt and pepper for seasoning. Allow the flavors to seep into the vegetables and make them palatable by letting the curry boil for around fifteen minutes.
6. Serve hot with prepared rice or naan and sprinkled with fresh coriander.

Thus, these are the three coconut milk-based foods or recipes.

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